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Managed Network Security


Capital Tex can  provide you with a complete turnkey Internet Security and Access. We can setup and manage your firewall/gateway and VPN devices. Managed Security is a single-source solution for securing your connection to the internet


Typical Situation

Off-the-shelf or desktop firewalls are often setup and configured and then left unattended for several months. Everything seems to run well, until suddenly you get a virus or even worse your key systems are hacked.

Our certified  technician can help alleviate such threats by protecting your environment at the gateway, and by proactively managing and updating all configurations.


Optional Services:

  • Gateway Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, Intrusion Prevention Service stops viruses and spyware at the gateway instead of on the desktop. Delivers intelligent, real-time network security protection against a comprehensive array of dynamic threats including viruses, spyware, worms, and Trojans. Adds another layer of defense for your servers and desktops whose antivirus software may not be up-to-date.
  • Content Filtering Service provides you with greater control to enforce productivity and protection policies and block inappropriate, illegal and dangerous Web content.
  • Monthly, Web-based Reporting that graphically illustrates network activity, such as bandwidth utilization, VPN reporting, threats observed, Web site usage, and more.

Typical Solutions:

Router setup and maintenance

Switch/VLAN configuration

Firewall configuration and monitoring

Gateway anti spyware and anti virus protection