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Day-to-day Server Administration includes: remote management of your passwords, security settings, system configurations, and file management.

Typical Situation

Many organizations do not have the budget to employ full-time tech staff that can effectively handle everything. Often server administration is either handled by a staff member that has some technical skills and wears many hats or outsourced to a two-man tech support firm that is often busy with other customers. Everything seems to run well, until your tech support person calls in sick or is away on holidays and your passwords are locked. Maybe you can plan around their scheduled appointments and vacations, but what do you do in the case of illnesses or emergencies?

Capital Tex Server Administration essentially eliminates the need for an in-house network administrator.

Service Description

We can completely administer your servers. Your designated server technician can remotely access your servers to perform various tasks. By utilizing the breadth of our technology experience, you can be assured your servers are in safe hands. Never again will you have issues accessing files, or even setting up new users, adding email addresses and other routine tasks, as help is only a phone call away.



  • Allows you to focus on your company's core competencies, while we focus on administering your servers.
  • Cover all the bases of day-to-day support at a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee.
  • Reduces Server down-time which in return will increase productivity.

Contact us today for your FREE estimate.